translated from Spanish: Pork, wild boar and even Sweetbreads: where to buy different patties

The ConversoEsta farm historic carnage on a corner in Almagro, serves meat of all kinds and color from four generations ago. They have the widest selection of Milanese of the city. Great place to go and try new things of good quality price ratio. Attention: all are breaded with Provencal. Milanese gizzard ($350 per kilo)
Lamb ($400 per kilo)
Deer ($400 per kilo)
It is called ($400 per kilo)
Turkey ($400 per kilo)
Wild boar ($400 per kilo)
I ChicoEn chancho this butcher shop that only sells high quality pork cuts, sold two types of patties (of pork, of course): breaded pork ($220 kilo) buttock/ball.
Breaded rack of pork ($260 per kilo).
Both Milanese are breaded with panko and it passes by egg with salt and parsley.
Fact: they also sell them in sandwich with mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato, as a midday meal to the step option. Each sandwich is worth $125Chancho guy – Dorrego 1594, College

Cutting butchersHere the particular is not Milanese itself, but the opportunity to get several different cuts in the same place, made with meats of the highest level. They have square, eye of loin ball and sometimes even of rump. Goal. pass them by garlic, parsley and egg of field. They are between $340 and $400, and is worth the penalty check your instagram, because sometimes have them in supply. Cutting butcher – Olazabal 1391, Núñez
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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