translated from Spanish: Macri defended the economic course, Massa criticized the president, the unusual problem between San Lorenzo-Argentinos and much more…

1. MACRI: “It would be easy to use all the resources to create a false growth climate”

The President published in Social networks a text in which he defends the current economic course and criticizes the previous management. Continues reading here…
2. “It is a stubborn government”: the 10 phrases of Massa after his dialogue with MACRI

The leader of the Federal Alternative published a statement in which he gave details of his conversation with the president, whom he criticized even though he was open to dialogue. Continues reading here…
3. The unusual problem with clothing that delayed the duel between San Lorenzo and Argentina

In the new Gasometer, the Paternal bug had to play with white dress but it wore black. Continues reading here…
4. Mirtha Legrand, on the government: “I have been disappointed, I feel ripped off”

The driver referred again to the situation that lives the country and expressed what sentiments generates the management of Mauricio MACRI. Continues reading here…
5. He argued with his partner, hit her and tried to escape

A man of 54 years rammed a woman with her car in the middle of Platense and wanted to flee. Thanks to witnesses, they managed to stop him. She’s out of danger. Continues reading here…

Original source in Spanish


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