translated from Spanish: Still in pole position: José Antonio Kast and Beatriz Sánchez lead the active Research survey

The Republican action leader (AR), José Antonio Kast and the An expresident of the Broad Front, Beatriz Sánchez continues to dominate the polls as the best-positioned political figures for the upcoming presidential elections.
According to the survey of the active Research Company, 11.2% of respondents prefer the option of José Antonio Kast, who has positioned himself as the most supportive politician in this area.
On the other hand, journalist Beatriz Sanchez maintains the support she achieved in the previous presidential dispute and received a 11.1% approval.
The other politicians who stood out in the poll were the mayor of Las Condes, the UDI Joaquín Lavín with 7.5% and former president Michelle Bachelet with 8.5%.
With regard to the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, although his approval is recovered compared to March, continues to maintain a low level of accession, of only 18%. Its disapproval, meanwhile, fell from 44% to 36%.
In relation to the main social problems afflicting Chileans, respondents first identified crime with 45%, health (34%), pensions (33%) and corruption (29,%).
Mistrust and low identification
In relation to the degree of confidence of the institutions, firefighters are placed in the first place as the most reliable entity with a 85%. It is followed by the PDI with a 44% and the armed forces with 28%.
On the contrary, in organizations with a higher level of mistrust are the political parties in the first place with 83.4%, the isapres with 74%, the Congress with 79%, the Supreme Court with 74% and the AFP with 75%.
Another striking fact in the political arena is that 50.2% of respondents do not feel identified with any political coalition. Only 9.8% say to identify with the Chilean ruling conglomerate Vamos, 8% with Republican action, 7% with the broad front and 6% with the former new majority.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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