translated from Spanish: The attack of the suspended fiscal Arias: Presents e-mail linking prosecutor Moya with Operation Hurricane

The offensive of the suspended regional fiscal of O’Higg began INS, Emiliano Arias. His defense accused the high-complexity prosecutor of Rancagua, Sergio Moya-and who denounced him in the first instance-of committing serious irregularities, since his name appears linked to the Operation Hurricane.
Today Arias and his defense had to testify for about 8 hours before the prosecutor in charge of the case, Eugenio Campos. On the way out, Arias only expressed that he was “quiet” with what was reported and the evidence delivered.
Within those tests, there is one that involves Moya. Arias ‘ lawyer, José Luis Andrés, presented an email. In the opinion of the defender, “if its content is verified”, it would be evident that “Moya would have participated in the Operation Hurricane, not only in meetings with generals (Carabineros) but advising and constitutive even what they have to put (the uniformed) in the Trades that have been classified as false by the Prosecutor’s office. ”
According to what was reported by the newspaper La Segunda, the e-mail was delivered this morning to the prosecutor Eugenio Campos, on the same day that Arias must testify before him for the allegations that Moya formulated for influence peddling, information concealment, violation of Secrecy and obstruction to justice.
One of the questions that was commissioned to immediately resolve the lawyer Andrés, is why he did not denounce Moya before. According to his account, the mail came to him recently anonymously.
In the evidence, it is shown that the mail appears sent by the then Deputy Prosecutor of Rancagua Sergio Moya to the mayor of Carabineros Patricio Marín — today formalized in the Hurricane case — on December 13, 2017, that is, two days after the direction of Police intelligence denounced to the national prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, leaks from the public Prosecutor’s Office to the coordinator Arauco Malleco, pointing as responsible to an assistant of the Deputy Prosecutor of Temuco Luis Arroyo.
According to the uniformed, at that time the prosecution would have leaked the people who were to be detained, against those who thought as evidence against the WhatsApp, which were then proved falsified. The Mail lists 11 points, where some instructions are given for the elaboration of a document, which was not specified in the Arias complaint but coincides with an extension of the leak report.
For example, it asks “explain the way of daily work with the Fiac (high complexity prosecutor)… Explain how it was discovered that (the assistant) was the person who delivered the information in detail. How they individualized it. ”
The most relevant point for the defense of Arias is, however, the number 11 of the mail, because it would give the instruction, on the part of Moya, to avoid experts by the PDI: “The computer media of the chat have to be delivered with chain of custody. Whoever signs it will surely testify in the investigations. Most likely, the so we have to suggest that it is pericient by the Police crime Lab (Carabineros) to not disclose the investigative technique, because if reviewed by the PDI will be delivered to the cybercrime, which will inform that it is not possible Click WhatsApp, and that’s the end of the investigation. ”
According to Arias ‘ lawyer, the mail would show that Moya’s allegations against his client were possibly motivated by avoiding a persecution against him for this type of event. Andrés also reported that, along with the statement, the prosecutor Campos was given a complaint to investigate the detailed facts.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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