translated from Spanish: There was no quorum and the Gondolas Act will be treated next Tuesday

For lack of quorum, the plenary of commissions in the House of Deputies failed, in which it was envisaged to give favorable opinion to the bill of Gondolas so that it would only be treated on Tuesday of next week. This meeting, which was attended by the consumer defense commissions, trade and General legislation, fell as the minimum number of present to issue a valid decision was not met. The idea was to unify the different proposals presented, although it was still possible to define the maximum percentage that a brand can occupy on the total available space in the outlets.

“Far from lowering the arms, Consensuamos with Daniel Lipovetzky and Pedro Rubén Miranda meet on Tuesday 14/5 to achieve the best law for consumers, SMES and all Argentines,” published in his Twitter account Marcela Passo, head of the Defense Commission of the consumer.

In addition, he asked to be aware of what this law means “not only because consumers will have the possibility to choose, but that SMES, with their daily effort, deserve to expose their products because they are the great generators of work.” The initiatives that seek to unify are those of the Passo itself (front renovator), Elisa Carrió (Civic Coalition), Juan Cabandié (front for the victory) and that of Juan Grabois (front Patria Grande) written with the owner of Maxiconsumo Víctor Fera.

Original source in Spanish


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