translated from Spanish: Video: The moment of the fire of the Russian plane from inside

On Sunday night, the flight of the Russian company Aeroflot travelling from Moscow to Murmansk made an emergency landing at Sheremetyevo Airport (Moscow). At that moment the fire began in the tail of the airship. So far, 41 bodies were recovered from the wreckage of the plane that was consumed by the fire.
The main hypothesis of the investigators are three: the first would be the inability of the pilots who commanded the aircraft, another would be the climatic conditions and the last failures in the plane. Although it was not announced because they had to land emergency at the same airport as they had taken off, the black boxes were recovered and are already in the hands of investigators. They confirmed that there were storms in the Moscow area, but several social media users, who shared the shocking videos, commented that the fire began in the tail of the plane when it touches the runway, so they would rule out the climatic hypothesis.

The passengers left the plane with the inflatable emergency slides that come out of the sides and fled running down the airstrip, where they were assisted by emergency services. The confirmed fatal victims are 41, between passengers and crew members. One of the videos was filmed by a passenger from inside the plane:

Original source in Spanish


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