translated from Spanish: Street harassment: Mendoza runs with advantage

The norm that begins to govern at national level was published today in the Official Gazette and contemplates “verbal and/or non-verbal” behaviors or expressions with sexual connotation that affect or damage the dignity, integrity, freedom, free movement or permanence of the women. In this sense, the province of Mendoza already has a code contraventional that stipulates the sanction for behaviors like those already described. The person carrying out this contravention may be punished with a fine of up to $4,750. Belen Bobba, Feminist and coordinator of Mumala (women of the Latin American Matria) Mendoza said “The province, before it advances in the incorporation of this type of violence to the law 26,485, was in need of pointing out with a certain contravention Situations that happened to women in the street and that the state somehow had to give an answer. ” The law proposes a toll-free hotline for women suffering from street harassment, providing information, advice, containment and even relieving data for the elaboration of statistics. “With the incorporation of the street harassment to the law 26,485 is given a framework and a sustenance to the contravention but a line of advice is added (we believe that it will be the 144) and also the training of the security forces: to urge the police forces and of security to AC Tuar in protecting women victims of gender-based violence when violence occurs in public space or public access, “added Bobba. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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