translated from Spanish: Aníbal Fernández: “The mare is already running and is giving a spectacular time”

The political and partisan event of the week took place yesterday. In the context of the presentation of his book “Sincerely”, the former president reappeared publicly accompanied by part of what was his management team in his two mandates. One of those present was the former minister of the Interior, Aníbal Fernandez. In dialogue with Futurock, the former official departed by referring his feelings on this point: “I found a graphic freehand of what is in the book. Cristina is not willing to be aware that nothing happened. What happened, happened and he wants to show it. It seems to Me that the most forceful thing is that there is nothing to clarify. ” “I am the enemy of self-criticism, that self-flagellation as San Martín de Porres is not for me. It does not break dishes that do not wash and we have washed many dishes with which surely we have broken many dishes, “said Fernandez. 

Similarly, the former national senator marked that “Cristina says that everything done can no longer serve. The reality is that one is required with the head open in another way to find new alternatives. ” The mare is already running and is giving a spectacular time. I love everything that has to do with all the homework that has to do with the preparation of the horse. For me it is undeniable that Cristina is going to be a candidate, “he said. On the eventual candidacy of the former minister of Economy Kicillof, the former chief of staff marked his opinion: “It seems to Me that Axel is a strange phenomenon and I am pleased. The short is a guy with a lot of training and desire to do things. It has taken a work of a politician of many years. No doubt he beats Vidal. ” We have to be very concerned to see how we stand up and manage the situation that is catastrophic. We are in the presence of one of the greatest economic disasters in the history of Argentina with unknown situations, ‘ he noted. 

In the end, and again emphasizing the role of kirchnerism in this economic scenario, the former official said that “Peronism came to this life to solve these kinds of situations. This is not for the flirts. ” Marking his rejection of the lawsuits involving Cristina Kirchner, he dismissed the relevance of this to the electoral process: “It has No reason to be any. They’re an invention. There comes a time when that runs out. It was never seen anywhere in the world to injure an adversary for things that did not exist, “Fernández concluded. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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