translated from Spanish: Frida Sofia sends Alejandra Guzmán a strong message

Frida Sofia, on the occasion of Mother’s Day, sends through Instagram a strong message to her famous mother, singer Alejandra Guzmán. While many other celebrities write tender messages, she only points out: “Congratulations Ale.”

Frida Sofia places an image in her Instagram account showing the verbal aggression of a woman towards a child. The strong image is composed of some words in English, which, if translated, says the following:
This is one of the strongest images I’ve ever seen in my life. Study and clean up your actions for the sake of your children. Their minds are fragile, their emotions are deep. Don’t destroy them mentally because words can never be returned. ”

On what was quoted many followers of Frida Sofia Suppose that it keeps in its heart sadness and perhaps courage against the woman who gave her life.

After reading his message, users tell him that I wish God would help sanr that so deep he has and that he can overcome that heavy emotional burden.
You’re not going to understand your parents until you have a son, “Bravo. You have to have ovaries to get a catharsis like that, “I thought they had a nice relationship. I’m sorry, “they write to you.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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