translated from Spanish: “It is one of the most dangerous threats to freedom of the press”: Journalists of the Congress in Picado against the sayings of Dobra Lusic

They follow the negative reactions to the controversial Declarac Dobra Lusic ions on “regular to press”. Now, the grouping of the press accredited in the National Congress expressed its strong rejection to the sayings of the candidate to Minister of the Supreme Court, stating that “what seems to be unaware of the judge, is that the freedom of the press is strengthened every time they are put in E Clairvoyance the actions of the authorities of the country and Dobra Lusic in his status as a judge, it is. ”
In relation to investigative journalism on his person, the group argued that these publications “have transparentado situations that she before the Senate could not deny” and that is “the best contribution that journalism can do when it comes Of the definition of a position so relevant to the Republic. ”
From the group they qualified the sayings of Lusic as “one of the most dangerous threats to the freedom of press known in our country in the last years”, since, the magistrate in his condition of minister of the Court of Appeals of Santiago, “must administer justice and apply the law, including those regulations that protect the free exercise of journalism, freedom of expression and the dissemination of information without prior censorship. ”
From the organization they were also concerned about what they catalogued as a “generalized silence” of the nine senators who were present in the intervention of Dobra Lusic, “who did not replicate and watch to protect the basic principles of journalism.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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