translated from Spanish: Mauricio MACRI: “This is the direction that leads us to the future we want”

A few moments ago and in the framework of the inauguration of the work referred to the viaduct of the Mitre Railway, the three referents of the PRO and change (MACRI, Vidal and Larreta) gave a press conference to the media there present. In the first term was pronounced the governor of Buenos Aires, who said that “it is a joy to be a second time with Mauritius this week watching this work. This is the result of a sustained team in a long time. ” We are the 40 million who believe that things can be done differently, that we do not stay in speeches, that we are part of getting up very early and lie down very late and want what we do, leaving the best of ourselves, “Vidal said.

He was followed by the president of Buenos Aires, who marked that “the most exciting thing is that this confirms that we can, we see that if we do things right, in Argentina you can.” “Today we can see this wonder and many things, the city is very good, but at first it cost us, we had the water up to the waist. Transition changes are hard, but you can, “Rodriguez Larreta continued. “Good morning to all, I also have a tremendous joy sharing all together, sharing with the team, the neighbors, the users of the train. Really a historic day, spent 100 years of the last time a Viaduct had been made in the city of Buenos Aires, “began his speech Macri. In tune with what was raised in his previous inauguration, the national president stressed that” this was not a coincidence, this It is causality, it is to have understood many years ago that we had to build the bases of which I speak to the Argentines week after week, the foundations, understanding that there are no magic solutions. ”

Defining the Viaduct as “revolutionary”, Macri pointed out that “the important thing of all this, to understand that this is an important basis of Argentina’s future.” This morning I thought, I wondered, what would it have been if the previous governments had committed themselves to work as a great team, without pettiness, without egos, with transparency?, what Argentina would we have?, why didn’t they do these works?, why They promised works and they didn’t? And where did the money of all Argentines go? “the president marked. “This is the way dear Argentines, this is the direction that leads us to the future we want,” Macri concluded. The full speech you can see by clicking acáEn This note:

Original source in Spanish


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