translated from Spanish: He closed the vote in Cordoba, Macri against drug trafficking, Manchester City bichampion of the Premier League and much more…

1. Elections in Cordoba: closed the vote and there is expectation for the results

More than two million people chose who will be the governor of the second most-elected province in the country. Continues reading here…
2. MACRI: “The ‘ pepas ‘ that we seized could be for the school of your children”

Through social networks, the President of the nation shared a message about the fight against drug trafficking aimed at Argentine families. Continues reading here…
3. Manchester City, bichampion of the Premier League: from the goal of Agüero to the celebration with Oasis

The Argentines Sergio Agüero and Nicolás Otamendi celebrated for the second consecutive year in the first English division. The landslide to Brighton that sealed the title, Pep Guardiola’s word and the celebration in the locker room with Noel Gallagher. Continues reading here…
4. Between the crisis and the indifference of the government: to be a nurse in Argentina

They save lives, they are pending in the maelstrom of the hospital, but for the state they are considered only as “administrative personnel”. In this note, the testimony of a nurse and some statistics to know how to live the situation in own flesh. Continues reading here…
5. “Game of Thrones”: the main theories for the final phase of the season

In the face of the last two episodes of the series, we show you some possible scenarios that gained strength in the fanatics and fans of history. * SPOILER ALERT *. Continues reading here…

Original source in Spanish


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