translated from Spanish: Health begins delivery of early antiretrovirals for 2019

The Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer, reported that the first consolidated purchase of antiretrovirals for HIV was given, corresponding to the 2019 exercise of the federal government, and that it is already in the process of distribution to the federal entities that Participated.
In a statement, the Ministry of Health noted that the remainder of the consolidated purchase will be given continuously to maintain the process of granting these drugs.
The unit stated that at this time there is the existence of all the keys to antiretrovirals and is in a position to continue to attend any signs in the event that the lack of any of the specialized services in the country is detected.
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The Ministry of Health announced that, in parallel, it will initiate the process of simplification of treatments “using the best available therapeutic options”.
“In this regard, the Ministry of Health, through the under-Secretariat for health promotion and Prevention and the National Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control (CENSIDA), will conduct a general review of the prescription practices of Antiretroviral drugs used by people living with HIV, “he explained.
At first, “This review will focus on the treatment of people affiliated to the Popular Insurance, whose treatment is financed by the Catastrophic Expenditure Protection Fund”, to assess the quality of therapeutic management “and to identify adherence to Effective antiretroviral management guidelines for people with HIV. ”
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It will also “identify opportunities to optimize the use of antiretrovirals, considering their pharmacological properties, the epidemiology of HIV in Mexico and the scientific evidence currently available.”
According to the institution, “This strategy will help to improve the quality of care and adequate compliance of the guides, as well as the specific selection of optimal therapeutic formulations, with the advice of clinical experts on the topic and the Accompaniment of civil society organizations. ”
On 2 May, HIV patients and civil society organizations protested in Mexico City in the absence of antiretrovirals in hospitals in at least six states.
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A day later, President López Obrador said during his morning press conference that his Government guarantees that there will be medicines for the patients in the country, and that other options of suppliers are already sought abroad, because the only one in the country that has the Concession for these drugs “imposes conditions for sale”.
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Original source in Spanish


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