translated from Spanish: President of the Senate gives green light to LGBT adoption and equal marriage

Since this Friday is the International Day Against Homophobia and transphobia, in an act of commemoration is hoisted L A banner of sexual diversity and the emblem that represents transgender people in the front of the Congress headquarters in Santiago. It was in this context that the President of the Senate, Jaime Quintana, said that “there are conditions like never before to move decisively in this agenda.” 
The senator said that the discussion of two of the projects raised by organizations of sexual diversity, such as equal marriage and LGBT adoption, are priorities in the presiding instance.
Quintana catalogued equal marriage as the “most important flagship project” and referred to the adoption of LGBT and homomaternal as “a cause so righteous” to which they expect “to be willing to support.”  
Reform of the Adoption Act
The discussion on adoption LGBT and Homomaternal returned to the fore in the framework of the reform that generated controversy last week in the Chamber of Deputies.
In this context, the spokesman for the Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (MOVILH), Rolando Jiménez, said that “I do not see how the adoption Act could be prevented from being approved in the Senate (…). We’re going to be vigilant about what the government does. ” 
Although the reform has the support of the President of the Senate, the discussion could be complicated with parliamentarians who have already announced their vote against, as is the case of Senator UDI, Víctor Pérez.
“In my opinion the priority should have a man and a woman. I think it is legitimate the discussion of not discriminating against anyone, but they are favoring the interest of others, not the child “, Commented Perez.
With regard to the equal marriage Project, the Senate Constitution Commission hopes to vote on the idea of legislating this initiative in June.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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