translated from Spanish: One of the actors of “Game of Thrones” confessed that he did not like the end

In just a matter of days, the sixth and final episode of “Game of Thrones”, the HBO-issued series that captivated millions of spectators from around the world, will be released over the years. For this reason, in this season they were tying up capes and closing plots in the history of the characters, in order to finally decide who will stay with the coveted and desired iron Throne. However, one of the protagonists confessed that he did not like how they decided Finish the series. This is Conleth Hill, the actor who plays Varys in history. 

Photo: Twitter

He said so in dialogue with Entertainment weekly, where he opined: “You can not avoid feeling that you have failed in some way, you have not lived up to any expectation that you did not know.” * SPOILer ALERT * With these statements, the artist referred to the death of His character, which happened after betraying Daenerys. However, he recognized that it was necessary for the development of the plot. ” I guess the last two seasons weren’t my favorites. I can’t complain because it’s six great seasons and I had some great scenes in the seventh and eighth. But that’s when it changed a bit for me, “he finished. 

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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