translated from Spanish: Deputy calls for extreme security measures for the “Super classic” this Saturday

The Deputy Pablo Prieto (IND) requested the Metropolitan Intendencia, the ANFP, a safe stadium and Blue blue, extreme and “exaggerate if necessary” security measures to face the bars that will attend this Saturday to “Súperclásico “Between the University of Chile and Colo Colo. The parliamentarian argued that “we have witnessed the act of the bars in these football games, for this reason I think we must take the necessary measures to prevent crimes that are experienced every time this type of sporting events.” In this line, Prieto demanded the relevant authorities to have at least three prosecutors present at the site, that the security cameras be focused on the bravas to detect and identify the vandals so that they are arrested and Put at the disposal of justice, so that they cannot re-enter one of these sporting events. In addition, he said that “to establish protocols of separation of the bars bravas, to check at least three times to those who enter the sports precinct and to make a double check of the identity card”, all this in order to “ensure that the serious incidents of Those of us who witness every time a spectacle of this magnitude is given. ” The legislator explained that “there is clearly a high risk that the vandals always cause damage and try to paralyze the party, killing football and the aspiration of Chilean families to attend a sports spectacle free of violence.” Finally, the member stated that “We must give the Chilean families the opportunity to attend a sports spectacle free of violence”.

Original source in Spanish


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