translated from Spanish: TC failed in favor of company by parking meters in the commune of Recoleta

The Constitutional Court (TC) ruled in favor of the company Recoleta concessions, because of the struggle it has with the municipality headed by Mayor Daniel Jadue, for the collection of parking meters of the commune. This occurred after the April 9th, the Santiago Court of Appeals rejected the claim of illegality presented by the concessionaire, failing in favor of the municipality of Recoleta. The lawyer of the company, Gustavo Parraguez, pointed out on the resolution of the TC that “clears the way so that the courts can condemn the municipality of Recoleta and the mayor Daniel Jadue, for trying unilaterally to leave without effect the concession contract”, As published by the second. In addition, he added that the next step is for the Court of Appeals to manifest itself on the appeal presented, and that it seeks to determine that the concession contract for the parking lots is in force. For his part, Rodrigo Aros, lawyer of the municipality, said that the company “from 2015 that operates without municipal patent, ratified appeals. That is now judicializado, they pose precautionary measures, etcetera, an arbitrary work that seeks to dilate a specific thing: they would have to go. ” It should be recalled that after the last decision of the Court of Appeals last April, workers of Recoleta concessions continued to emit parts and control the time of the cars parked in streets of the commune capital.

Original source in Spanish


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