translated from Spanish: “Abdomen in Apron” and obesity, a single problem

Recently, the voice of the patients in Chile has been made to feel. This week, after a hard work by groupings of patients, who fought for the treatment of one of the sequels of overweight and/or obesity, as well as the abdomen in apron, was achieved the approval of an item within the health budget 2019 To solve the latter, the so-called “apron Guatita”.
Words such as perseverance, bravery and sacrifice, fail to fully describe what was accomplished by these groups.
However, the requirements of the plan make it difficult and unattainable to achieve inclusion in order to access these 974 opportunities, since, unfortunately, 90% of the cases of patients candidates for this surgery suffer from moderate to morbid obesity, associated with two or more additional diseases.
So, where do we start?
Obviously for the first thing, and here it is essential to recognize obesity as a disease and not just as an optional condition. It is not about diet, exercise or changing habits, because this is not enough for patients suffering from obesity.
A local study indicates that out of every 4 patients who operate from obesity, 1 is being operated free, because 25% of the money is recovered in savings for the state.
In this context, we make a call to continue working and to concretize the real and final objective: the integral treatment of the overweight, the obesity and its sequelae, such as the abdomen in apron.

The content poured in this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of the counter.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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