translated from Spanish: Dog saves buried baby who had been abandoned by his mother

Bangkok, (AFP)-a dog from northeastern Thailand has become a hero by finding and rescuing a baby buried in the field allegedly by his teenage mother, the police reported this Saturday. The newborn was under a lot of land near a farm in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima, and was found on May 15 by a curious dog called Ping Pong. The dog started digging and barking, alerting his master, a shepherd , who went to the place.
“I think it hadn’t been long since his mother had buried him when the dog found him,” agent Panuvat Udkam told AFP.

This dog is considered a local hero in a village in northern Thailand. Also animals can act like a hero when someone needs urgent help. — ᴀ ˡ ᵉ ˣ ᵃ ⁿ ᵈ ᵉ ʳ ʜ ᵉ ˡ ᵇ ᵉ ʳ ᵗ (@UFOlogistSpace7)
May 18, 2019

He added that the child was well, recovering in the hospital, and that it was so small that it still had no name. The 15-year-old teenage mother was charged with attempted murder and abandonment of a child.

Agent Panuvat explained that the girl was afraid that her parents would be angry if they found out she had become pregnant.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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