translated from Spanish: Macri’s reaction on the formula Fernandez-Fernandez, Massa surprised, dies the leader of the fire and more…

1. Macri’s reaction: “Back to the past would be self-destructing”

The President ratified that the country is on the “right course” and said that the “opportunity for change will not be missed.” Continues reading here… 
2. Alberto Fernández, the candidate: Profile of Cristina’s chosen

With the arrival of political leaders and businessmen, he was one of the first owners of Kirchner. Lawyer and university teacher, he is now for the presidency of the nation. Continues reading here…
3. The surprise of Sergio Massa to learn the formula Fernandez-Fernandez

The former intendant of Tigre said he found out minutes before going on the air in a radio program. Continues reading here… 
4. Double Crime in Congress: More evidence complicates prime suspect

They found silhouettes with bullet impacts in one of the houses of Juan José Navarro Cádiz, the man who was extradited yesterday from Uruguay, accused of killing Congressman Olivares and his advisor. Continues reading here… 
5. Juan Carlos “Banana” Mascheroni, the leader of the fire, died

The artist of the Cumbia Santa Fe Band died of a heart failure in full show. Continues reading here… 
6. Manchester City, FA Cup Champion and historic record for the Premier

With an exceptional landslide to Watford for 6 to 0, Guardiola’s team won all the titles of the England season, in an unprecedented event for men’s soccer. Continues reading here… 
7. Batwoman’s trailer reveals the first gay TV superhero

It premiered the first official advance of the series dedicated to the new protector of Gotham, which will be part of the “Arrowverse”. Continues reading here…

Original source in Spanish


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