translated from Spanish: MACRI: “That country that left us had no future”

A day that Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner announced that will run as vice president of Alberto Fernandez, Mauricio Macri shared a text in their networks that aims to highlight the achievements of the current management and remember “the heavy inheritance” that left the ante A. Under the title “from the Mafias to real progress”, it is a writing that begins by mentioning the renovation of the port terminal of Campana and to which an image of the before and after is attached.

“When we arrived at the government the ports were full of ‘ owners ‘ who had invented tariffs to collect extras from exporters and importers,” denounces the president, enumerating the insurance known as Argentinian transport protected and collections by sweep, Cleaning and verification of seals. “We took out the mafia, the Micromafia and the revived and the things were unlocked, they were activated, they started working,” he says.
And he adds: “In these things is where the real progress of a country is built and real progress is the key to the prosperity of all Argentines. That country that left us, without ports, without trains, without infrastructure, without legal certainty, without energy, without communication, had no future. ” These lines are conversed with what was pronounced yesterday in a meeting with the volunteers of “advocates of Change”, where he said that “returning to the past would be self-destructing.” In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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