translated from Spanish: Government signs agreement to control funerals of drug traffickers

This Monday in the undersecretary for crime prevention was signed an agreement to prevent different facts that were trigger in funerals considered at high risk. Together with the SPD, which led the work table, the intervention model for high-risk funerals was signed by Carabineros, gendarmerie, public Prosecutor’s Office, Legal and PDI Medical Service, all entities that are linked in some way to the death of a person That can be the subject of such burials, when the death is the product of a violent fact or is produced in prison. Meanwhile, the municipalities-which signed the model through the Chilean Association of municipalities-usually find out about non-violent deaths, but that can trigger a funeral with fireworks or use of weapons if it is a person Important of the underworld. In total, the document provides for six measures, ranging from a new unit of exclusive analysis, to the execution of police operations prior to the start of the funeral and, eventually, during the same if the level of risk determines it. In the same way, a matrix will be developed to determine the level of risk at each funeral in particular and a final report will be prepared, with the objective of the prosecution initiating an investigation if relevant. The undersecretary for crime prevention, Katherine Martorell, stressed that this model of action is the result of a work that began on 9 April with the Constitution of a public-private table, which to date adds four sessions and has addressed different Externalities arising from drug trafficking, including funerals. “These measures have a preventive approach, that is, we seek to prevent neighbors, bystanders or possibly people who attend other funerals at the end of the process, have to expose themselves to serious situations and high risk. It cannot be that in broad daylight there are criminals throwing bullets into the air or detonating fireworks. Carabineros must always intervene in Flagrancia, but since the SPD our work is prevention and in that we have worked, “said the authority.

Original source in Spanish


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