translated from Spanish: Social movements marched to ANSEs and Social development

The social movements were mobilized on Tuesday to the offices of the National Social Security Administration (Anses) and to the Ministry of Social Development to claim for the suspension of work programs and defaults throughout the country. In the city of Buenos Aires, the demonstrators marched from the obelisk to the central office of Anses, located at Avenida Córdoba 720, and then to the secretariat of Social economy, on May 25 and Tucumán.La protest was convened by the CTEP, we are Barrios standing (the Sector that leads the Congresswoman Victoria Donda) and the current class and combative (CCC) that make up the group called “The Cayetanos”. Because they push the social agenda of Pope Francis by the claims of “land, roof and work”. The popular organizations demanded that the food emergency be declared urgent.

The Secretary general of the CTEP, Esteban ‘ Gringo ‘ Castro, said that the government “allows to increase the price of food unmeasured and leaves a huge portion of citizens with great difficulty to eat.” He added that it is the workers of the popular economy who suffer the most from the dramatic consequences of this political process, which began with adjustment and repression, and ends up starving Argentines. The protest was retorted in Mar del Plata in front of the local Anses, while in the city Tandil was carried out in front of the delegation of Ministry of Labor and in Cordoba the three organizations met in bridges and marched through the streets of the city.

The protest of the social movements in Cordoba.

In the city of Salta, the demonstrators marched to the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Social Development of the nation and in Tartagal, the epicenter of the claims was the Anses office, as reported by the CCC. Other provinces such as Chaco, Jujuy, La Rioja and San Juan also recorded protests of social movements during the morning. The Popular front Darío Santillán (FPDS) joined the protests throughout the country with the slogan “No more adjustment to the popular economy.” In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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