translated from Spanish: Why are millenials the least sexual life they have?

An article published in the American journal Archives of Sexual Behavior revealed that 15% of the millenials between 20 and 24 years old claims to have no Sexual partner since age 18, rising 9% from the responses delivered by individuals of the generation X in that my SMO age range.
Jean Twenge, one of the principal investigators involved in the creation of the study, said that “this is probably another symptom of the ever-later maturing that is being seen in the new generations.”
In addition, it was given as one of the reasons that they usually live with their parents, which makes them have fewer alternatives for sexual intercourse.
The report also revealed that another factor in the little sexual activity has to do with the approach to pornography, which is much more accessible for the generation of current youth than for the past and tends to meet certain needs.
Uninteresting románticoOtro report revealed that the disinterestedness of milenialls in relationships is not limited to sexuality alone. This was assured by the survey conducted by BlindLove, an application dedicated to finding couples for “strictly serious” relationships, because of all its network, only 13% of millenials users stated that they used the application frequently.
And in Chile? According to the latest Casen survey, young people are increasingly less interested in marriage, since only 4.9% of the population of those under 30 years old is married. In 1990 that figure reached 27%.
According to the same study, the age for marriage has also changed: If in 1990 the majority did it between 26 and 27 years, in 2017 it is given to the 36 years in the men and 33 women.

Original source in Spanish


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