translated from Spanish: The Aplausómetro of the wake of Altamirano

It has been a sad week for the socialist world, on Sunday 19 May died the historic leader of the UP and former secretary general of the party, Carlos Altamirano. His remains were veiled the following day in the hall of Honor of the former Congress in Santiago, where leaders, parliamentarians and militants of the Socialist Party and the rest of the left gave him honors.
No one missed the date. All the socialist banners paraded around the place, as well as the main leaders of the current RedSet and the two candidates who dispute the presidency of the PS on Sunday May 26, Álvaro Elizalde-who seeks re-election for another two years-and the Deputy Maya Fernandez.
The current socialist helmsman, Álvaro Elizalde, arrived near the 18:30 hrs to the hall of Honor, approached the family of Altamirano and greeted the socialist standards that circulated around. Just over half an hour later, after 19:00 hrs, came Congresswoman Fernandez, who performed the honorary Guard, along with Luis Maira, Deputy Gabriel Boric (MA), Javiera Parada (RD) and Carolina Carrera, president of Corporación Humane.
Among those who were present at the wake commented that the entry of Fernandez-who entered through a small side door as the enclosure was quite full-did not happen unnoticed for anyone. He received a forceful applause that rumbled on the walls of the hall of Honor and all the socialists of the old guard, looking for her to take a picture with the granddaughter of President Salvador Allende.
A standing ovation that many remembered that Fernandez received when he had to assume-just for a few minutes-the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, while Congressman Ivan Flores (DC), current president of the instance, managed to reach the room.
According to the audience at Altamirano’s wake, the moment was uncomfortable for Álvaro Elizalde. The senator was seen tense and annoyed at being eclipsed by the congresswoman who, they added the present, looked calm, radiant-despite the fever he had that day-and stole the attention of all the militants who went to dismiss the historic leader of the UP.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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