translated from Spanish: The origin of the student’s Day in Mexico

Home Mexico The origin of the student’s Day in Mexico

Mexico.-In Mexico, we celebrate student’s Day on May 23rd. A celebration that was born of the protest, but that today applauds the achievements of those who are trained to have a better future.
In the year 1929, the students of the now Autonomous University of Mexico demanded autonomy for this House of studies. A day like today, a law student group, started a strike with this firm demand.
One of the reasons that promoted discontent was the increase in time in high schools that would be one year of study. In addition, the professional examinations of the Faculty of Law were also affected.
After the protest began, the youth were repressed by the police within the Law school facility. They then summoned a strike that served as a measure of pressure to achieve their request.
-After six days the university autonomy was obtained for which they had been manifesting in a forceful way.
– On 23 May, it was established as the student’s Day in honor of those who were assaulted in the protests.
– Plaza de Santo Domingo, located in the historic center of Mexico City, acquired the name of Plaza 23 de Mayo. It is also known as Student Square.
Source: Mundo Hispanica

Original source in Spanish


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