translated from Spanish: Coté López “Good Samaritan”: Shared in networks story of aid to immigrant woman

Coté López shared an extensive message where he commented on a situation that lived when he left his home and made her think. ” I was leaving the condo and I see a Dominican girl with a child like Jesus in the whereabouts of microphones, then I stopped and asked if I took her to Santiago because it was like 8 and it was very cold, she told me that her friends were waiting in the next whereabouts that also They were going to Santigo, “he began counting. So I pick them up and I went talking to a lady who was my co-pilot (no one knew me) and to summarize the lady told me the cute things I had Chile (was Colombian) and in a minute tells me ‘ the most beautiful is to manage… Is that the feeling of being able to go anywhere, enjoy that while the car advances we can look at the scenery all how nice there is! Really drive… Would be my greatest dream, is that nothing would be more wonderful. ‘ “he continued recounting. As I said that I remembered how much I hate to drive? And I thought that crazy that something for me is NOT important to her is “a dream” and spoke in earnest and so excited… So I was thinking about how many things I can have that I don’t value and for other people they are a dream, “commented Coté. Finally, the wife of the” magician “Jiménez put his share of humour to the story. “So that’s why I’m now Uber driver I leave a discount code… Jajajajaja ya… That was a joke… But I really rescue the words of that unknown lady who does not know how they touched my heart, “he said.

Original source in Spanish


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