translated from Spanish: Cristina Fernandez: “I believe in my country and with Alberto we will help”

With a presentation with the intendant of Merlo, Gustavo Menéndez, as presenter, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Alberto Fernandez presented to the people and referred to the future of the formula, which will go for the presidency in October 2019.La first to speak She was the former president who referred to her late husband, Nestor Kirchner, in commemoration of the park that opened today, which will bear his name. 

Cristina Fernandez, Gustavo Menendez and Alberto Fernández. Photo: NA

“By those whims of history, on May 25th, Peronism came back, and I was one of the millions of young people who were devastated. Then he came on May 25, unthinkable, from 2003. But I’m going to talk about the one I liked most of all, I felt it as a part of me: the 25th of May of the bicentennial. In 2010 it was the last year in which I was entirely happy and nothing was the same, nor will it be, “Cristina began, excited to tears.” That day I felt in the streets of Buenos Aires things I never felt. We were nine Latin American presidents marching among the multitude, among millions of people without any security device, “he said and closed with a dart against the government of MACRI. “In these hard times and easy triggers, that was another Argentina.”

. @CFKArgentina: “Do not expect that two leaders can do everything. There is no individual realization if the realization of society is not collective. ” — Citizen Unit (@UniCiudadanaAR)
May 25, 2019

As for that year, he showed his feelings and compared him with what he will seek to achieve in case of obtaining the presidency. “That 2010 I thought we were turning the story around. I felt that we were for the first time in peace between ourselves, that we could look at each other again in peace. A growing country, there was work, there was education… There was a future. ” Full in his candidacy with Alberto Fernandez, he highlighted. “This is about regaining that spirit that united us all Argentines in that bicentennial. Not only do I feel we can do it, but we have to do it, I feel compelled to do it. Conviction-based decisions have the strength to believe. I believe in God, in my country and in my people. I’m sure that together with Alberto, we will help. ”
“I want to tell you not to expect that two leaders can do everything. I think that among all will demand that different leaders, political and social spaces, economic sectors, media and each of us Argentines, we can hold a meeting and a social contract that allows us to understand that they are not triumphs Individual, but is collective. ” And then closed with an encouraging message for all the followers. “They don’t know how cute it is this may 25th, to see us all back. Thank you very much, I love you. ”

Original source in Spanish


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