translated from Spanish: Earthquake of magnitude 8.0 shook Peru and reached Colombia and Ecuador

On Sunday 26 May, the Peruvian population was surprised by an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 on the Richter scale that expanded to some areas of Colombia and Ecuador. There were also aftershocks, though less powerful. The Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) reported that it occurred at 2:41 of the local time and that the epicenter took place at 70 kilometers from the locality of Lagunas, located in the Alto Amazonas, 141 kilometers underground.

Images of the landslides caused by the earthquake

Data on the magnitude of the earthquake vary: according to the IGP it was 7.5; According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 8.0 and others announced it reached 8.3. Beyond this issue, the good news is that so far no casualties have been recorded, only material damage. According to Hernando Tavera, head of the IGP, because the depth of the movement was “intermediate” its radius of influence was greater, reaching the areas Junín, Piura, Iquitos and Tarapoto, among others.
This also led him to sit in Bogotá and other regions of Colombia (where emergency sirens were activated and several families evacuated) and in Ecuador, where President Lenin Moreno confirmed power cuts in Zamora and Chinchipe. Some media claim that it reached Brazil. Already in the morning, a replica of magnitude 4.7 was recorded according to the USGS on the coast of Peru with epicenter 61 kilometers to the west-southwest of Moche.

Original source in Spanish


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