translated from Spanish: Pepins, a new catalogue with data on 1400 comics

The National Newspaper Library of Mexico (HNM), in charge of the UNAM, announced a new catalogue with data and images of 1400 comics “that children, young people and adults of past generations looked forward to every week, and that now they will be able to evoke thanks to the new Technologies “.
The digital collection of popular Mexican comics of the TWENTIETH century, called Pepins, includes titles such as Memin Pinguin Stamps, Chanoc, Kalimán, the family Burron, Pepín, Adam the Man of the future, adventures of Chip and Polish, the Superwise, Don Patarino, tears and laughter and Rarotonga.
“The database was called ‘ Pepins ‘ because with this word, derived from the title of the legendary magazine Pepín, were called the readers of the years 50 assiduous to this cartoon, “explained the UNAM.
“In order to make these materials accessible, the cataloguing of the acquis has been started for almost 13 years.
‘ Pepins ‘ includes several possibilities to search through different categories; The results they throw show series or records, each one includes bibliographic description, summary of the argument, names of director, illustrators and Arguers, as well as mention of the technique used, the genre to which it belongs (adventure, humour, Melodrama and didactics) and image or images as an example of that publication. ”
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Original source in Spanish


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