translated from Spanish: Return weapons in exchange for soldiers in Michoacán

MEXICO City.-The Mexican army returned four long-seized weapons in exchange for 11 presides that had been retained yesterday in the HUACAA, Michoacán. Among the armament that had been seized was a Barret rifle, caliber. 50, capable of traversing the Vehicle armouring. Military sources indicated that the soldiers had been attacked on two occasions, near the Cuimbo community, after which they secured the long weapons along with magazines and chargers. Later, back to his unit, the 11 soldiers passed through the municipal headwaters of the HUACAA, where residents, including women and children, blocked their way. In order not to provoke a misfortune, like the one that would have happened if they had made use of their weapons, the soldiers delivered their armament, “the sources said. They had the option of entering a larger number of military personnel to rescue their companions; However, it was decided to return the armaments that had been secured to them. In the afternoon, Governor Silvano Aureoles revealed that by repelling the attack by armed civilians, soldiers felled two men and wounded a minor, who is already out of harm’s hand.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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