translated from Spanish: The caretaker accused of abusing a 4-year-old girl will remain in a home prison

This Monday justice rejected the request for the release of Alejandro Salas, so he will remain in custody for alleged harassment against a 4-year-old girl. The defense attorney insists on his innocence and claims that the abuse occurred outside the institution. The fact happened on August 2, last year. The girl came to her house and the mother found out she was missing her underwear. The girl’s answer was that “a thief stole his panties in the bathroom” and described the man with “wasps in the face” – the defendant has moles of flesh on his face. The prosecutor in the case ordered physical expertise and found that the victim had vaginal and annal injuries. Víctor Ábalos, a defense lawyer, does not deny that there were abuses, but clarifies that they occurred before the date reported. In fact, they presented drawings of the girl, who were Peritados and “found that the child was being abused, probably within her own family circle.” However, the defence did not get the freedom of the chambers and now it must wait in the home prison until the time of the trial, which has not yet been dated. The case generated a lot of impact in Mendoza, especially because of the prestige of the Murialdo Institute, a religious school that was commanded by the “Father Lalo”, who after knowing the fact, was transferred to the province of Salta. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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