translated from Spanish: “The intersectional in the prevention of suicide”

Morelia, Michoacán.-Betting on the mental health of the population of Morelia, was the objective of the 1st Forum organized by the secretariat of Welfare and Social policy, through the Municipal Health Directorate, which focused under the title: “The intersectional in the Suicide prevention “, focused on the student community and the general public.
With papers like the titled: What do we mean by suicide? Intervention in crisis, psychological first aid and acting; Risk factors in human development, among others; The meeting conjoined the attendees to recognize the causalities and the environment of patients with depressive pictures, as suicide is a converging point of the individual and the social.
In his participation, Roberto Reyes Cosari, recalled, this preventive exercise is only a part of all the work that the city of Morelia, by the municipal President Raúl Morón Orozco has implemented in the capital Michoacan, as so far is counted With psychological attention in 37 municipal clinics, in addition to that have been held tables of work to implement this service in each one of the centers of the welfare.
He also emphasized in the line of attention that the health department has, so he invited all those who need him to call the phone 3985265, ext. 1 Where 24 hours a day, every day of the week, will be taken care of by a psychologist.
For its part, the director of Municipal Health, Daniela Díaz Durán, detailed the psychological attentions have been carried out in all the school sectors and population in general through workshops, which are intended to take to the business sector and all Those work spaces where stress is a recurrent symptom among workers.
In this way, the city Council of Morelia attends the instruction of the municipal president, Raúl Moron Orozco, to eradicate the problem of mental health among the population through coordinated work between universities, hospitals, private Sector, health Sector and the Society itself.
They attended this meeting, Alma Rosa Ayala Virelas, coordinator of Social responsibility and teacher training of the UMSNH;  Leonardo Moncada Sánchez, academic secretary of the Faculty of Psychology and Blanca Gómez Santoyo, director of attention to victims of the Morelia police.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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