translated from Spanish: Artifact explodes in Senator Citlalli Hernández ‘ office

An artifact exploded this Wednesday in the office of the senator of Morena, Citlalli Hernández.
“I feel good and strong. I utterly condemn the violent and intimidating act I suffered in my office, but endorsed my conviction that the revolution of consciousness and change in this country must be given and given in a peaceful manner. I appreciate your concern and affection, “the senator published on Twitter, about 22:00 hours.
The first reports indicate that the artifact that exploded was inside a box or what appeared to be a book the Senator received.
The coordinator of the Senators of Morena, Ricardo Monreal, said that he communicated with the legislator, after the attack, and explained what happened.
“It was a box, it seems to be a shipment, a box, which I thought Citlalli had books. When she uncovers it explodes, apparently, a homemade artifact. Nothing happened, except minor injuries, “said Monreal.
The coordinator said he already reported on what happened to the attorney General’s office, for an investigation to commence, and that stricter security measures will be applied in the delivery of packages in the Senate.
“Senator @CitlaHM my sympathy to the attack you were a victim of. We’re with you. We call for investigation and punishment. Mexico cannot continue in the midst of this violence, we have to make a common front, “lawmaker Martha Tagle wrote.
“All my solidarity with my colleague @CitlaHM is absolutely reprehensible and unacceptable the attack on which he was subjected. We must live in a Mexico where law and justice reign, where the perpetrators of crimes pay for their actions, “said legislator pri Vanessa Rubio.
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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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