translated from Spanish: Launch fourth version of contest that invites students to write about asteroids

Every year international Asteroid day invites institutions from all over the world to perform DIV activities Scientific Ulgación around these stellar objects to put awareness about them and the need to study them. That is why within this framework that the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics, which is regional coordinator of this event, performs the contest of short stories.
Imagine around asteroids
This story contest looks for students to imagine stories about the asteroids, which last years ended with more than 200 stories received. The goal is that the stories do not exceed the 111 words, as this year is fulfilled that number of years since the collision of an asteroid, about 35 meters in diameter, in the remote Russian region of Tunguska destroying an area of more than 2,000 km2 and every 30 Jun The Asteroid Day commemorates it.
The winners of the basic categories (3rd to 8th Basic) and Media (1st to 4th half) will be able to win a Celestron UpClose binocular (10 × 50) or similar to begin with their first astronomical observations and will be chosen by a jury formed by the co-author of the book Bruno and the Big Bang, Carolina Undurraga; The geologist and researcher of MAS Millarca Valenzuela and the Doctor in astrophysics, researcher of the MAS and the Institute of Astrophysics UC, Alejandro Clocchiatti.
Contest rules and registration on the link

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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