translated from Spanish: Moyano: “Unemployment shows rejection of economic policy”

In a press conference held at the headquarters of the National Federation of Trucking Workers, Hugo Moyano said that the strike convened by the CGT and other trade unions “has been very effective, with much adherence; We discussed it with all the provinces of the country. ”
“Once again the rejection of economic policy is demonstrated. These stoppages are not made by the whim of the leaders, but by the necessity of the workers. ”

“Truck drivers all but the one who drove Bullrich,” ironed the union leader. We strongly repudiate all kinds of repression, said Moyano and responsible to the minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, for the operation deployed in several accesses to the city of Buenos Aires to prevent picketing. Earlier, prefecture repressed the cut on the Pueyrredón bridge.

The owner of the bank, Sergio Palazzo, said that “there are millions of streets that can be used, instead of the seven cuts.” Daniel Catalano, a referent of ATE Capital, said: “It is not necessary to discuss whether unemployment is huge but the inability to organize life with salaries between 8,000 and 12,000 pesos. We do not have the guarantee of having the necessary daily meals. We need an economic salvage. I hope Macri hears the workers and not the markets. ” For the afternoon is awaiting the word of the leaders of the CGT who will carry out the balance of the fifth general strike against the management of President Mauricio MACRI. News in development… In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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