translated from Spanish: There is no consensus: deputies reject the proposal of senators to change the name to Easter Island

The Senate had already approved the project. It was now only to be ratified in a vote by the House of Deputies. But it was unfavourable. Only 73 votes-of 92-had the initiative that seeks to change the name of Easter Island by Rapa Nui.
Now the project will have to go to Joint committee, where parliamentarians from both chambers will have to confirm the long-awaited change of name that the inhabitants of the island expect.
The rejection of the lower house is explained because they did not approve the change made by the Senate to the original initiative, a first-step visa by the house, which called this territory insult as Rapa Nui. In his passage through the upper house he decided to leave it as Rapa Nui-Easter Island.
One of those who led the rejection was the deputy of the Broad Front, Jorge Brito. He proposes that it be the same community islanders those who determine the name, so that the election is approved or rejected in the Joint committee. Brito opted for an option: Rapa Nui, dry.
“The island is Rapa Nui because before a person in the world said the word Chile, the island was already inhabited by a village and is the Rapa Nui people. The point is that the project recognized this, but in the Senate had a return of RAM and the Ministry of National Goods is supporting that, “said the parliamentarian, in statements issued to Emol.
Meanwhile, the Minister of National Goods, Felipe Ward, commented that “This gradual formula (Rapa Nui-Easter Island) is valued by the Rapa Nui people, and as a government, in respect to the worldview of our native peoples, we decided to support it”.
“Rapa Nui has been known and called internationally as an Easter Island for many years. That is why we find the change that is proposed to be adequate and reasonable. In this way, with the passage of time, when the whole world is accustomed to the name, it will be possible to think of a different formula, where only the name of Rapa Nui is used, “the owner of the portfolio that promotes the initiative.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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