translated from Spanish: The female ‘ red ‘ fell to Germany in last apronte before the World Cup

The Chilean women’s team leaned on Thursday at the Continental Arena in Regensburg for 2-0 in front of Germany, in the last review of the combined directed by José Letelier before the World Cup debut ‘ France 2019 ‘. The national combined was surpassed from beginning to end by the German women, who captured in the field their clear superiority in the physical and the technical. Comfortable triumph for the European, current Olympic and favorite champions for the upcoming meeting on Gallic soil. Chile could not generate danger in the face of the lack of ideas of three-fourths of the court and the solid task of the Teutons in the containment. Alexandra Popp opened the account for the locals at 28 minutes. The front of the Wolfsburg Fayed first in the area, after a corner shot from the right, to overcome the resistance of the archer Christiane Endler. When the first lapse went, at 45 + 1 ‘, Germany rose through Carolin Simon. The defender of Olympique Lyon put the second after taking out a center that ended up straining at an impossible angle. In complement the Europeans continued with the possession and the territorial dominion, but without the intensity of the first fraction. Highlight the return to the ‘ red ‘ defense Carla Guerrero, head to Germany, who saw no action since the end of November 2018 when he suffered the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of his knee. The Zaguera of Ray Vallecano played until 47 minutes, when it was replaced by Yesenia Lopez. For the F-Group of the World Cup, Chile will debut on June 11 with Sweden, Olympic runner-up in Rio 2016. Then, the 16th, it collides with the United States, current world champion; And finally it will be measured with Thailand, the 20, the rival that appears as more accessible.

Original source in Spanish


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