translated from Spanish: Inmate goes to the doctor for severe pain and comes back with liposculpture

Barranquilla, Colombia.-After being designated as a member of the band The chemists, dedicating to process cocaine Estefy Díaz Atencia, alias The baby, was captured by the police of Barranquilla.La woman was arrested on November 27, 2014 and the days sent to the C Árcel of women The Good Shepherd. Before Estefy was imprisoned, implants were placed on her breasts and on the morning of the previous Monday she advised the prison guard that she felt a severe chest pain. After convincing the security corps, the prison guards took her to a clinic in the north of Barranquilla, where she had previously had surgery. Already in the afternoon the drink returned to the prison, however, when re-entry was not fulfilled the legal requirements that indicate that doctors of the company Caprecom, in charge of giving attention to the citizens deprived of the freedom, they gave him tests.

The director of the prison was surprised when, the lawyer of the dam pointed out the necessity of his client of a home care to practice daily lymphatic drainages, this because after having left the penal, Estefy underwent a liposculpture.

Apparently, the woman was planning to undergo the aesthetic process and lied about her sinus pain to get her liposculpture.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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