translated from Spanish: Woman severely injures her vagina by excessive use of turbo vibrator

Australia.-A woman severely injured her vagina after excessive use of a turbo vibrator she had acquired, after she divorced her husband and sought an alternative to meet her sexual needs. This happened in Sydney, when his recurring practice of using this device became an obsession, until he managed to damage his vagina. The woman has been identified as Nadia and she mentions that she bought a vibrator similar to appear in one of the chapters of the series “Sex and the City”, which is known as Rampant Rabbit, which caused a strong obsession in the same before the ease and pleasure that Generated. According to her, she became her plaything, with the ease and speed that made her feel pleasure, because she had no consolation and turned to that device after a long time of not having sex with a man.
Although Nadia felt liberated and empowered to take control of the pleasure of her sexuality, for the first time in her adult life, the woman began to experience severe pelvic pain, so she visited the doctor.
This sad woman by her separation also began to feel strong pain in her vagina, and had to go with her ginecóloogo, which allowed to reveal something that the woman did, which consisted in using the vibrator for 42 times a week leaving him strong internal injuries.
The excessive use of the sex toy led her to live a situation of shame, which she says she did not realize what daily and many hours carries out. Finally, his doctor’s prescription was to ban his vibrator from using a good time to heal the wounds, and she promised not to abuse more of her beloved sex toy.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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