translated from Spanish: For the second year stands out white sticks by incidence of Mosco

Guasave, Sinaloa.-For the second consecutive year white sticks unleashes the red spotlights as one of the points where they have had more probable cases of dengue, said the head of health jurisdiction No. 2. Guadalupe Espinoza Madrid pointed out that this site, as well as the urban area, are where most of the nine probable cases of dengue have been recorded so far this year, so he said that they have intensified work and surveillance in these s Ectors. Factors
The leader noted that the fact that the community is a new account of a high incidence site has to do with the habits of the population, who have not been attached as required to the instructions to keep patios clean of pileup before the arrival of rain. “It is more than anything the accumulation of pots, the culture that we have all these pots and there accumulates clean water and that gives the guideline to develop more Mosco of Aedes aegypti. Cleaning            
On the other hand, being questioned as to whether there were delays in the days of Descacharrización due to the additional occupation that the municipality has had in terms of garbage collection, he acknowledged that indeed it has harmed the work, however assured that These guidelines have been used to work harder in the area of the municipality of Sinaloa, which also belongs to the jurisdiction that he directs. He said they detected that because of the deficiencies in the regular garbage collection, the population confused the work they did when they removed pots and used to take out the garbage from the newspaper. 

“Right now it was retaken in the municipality of Guasave the work, the people when they gave this of the problems by the garbage we happened that we did the campaign of Descacharrización and used to remove the common rubbish. So it is very important that when campaigns are made people are aware that this is only for pileup and not for garbage. ” Activities
He said that it is currently working in conjunction with our own health promotion programs, which are the vectors and clean patio programs, also coordinate with the city Council. “We are working together with what are the campaigns of Descacharrización, in the part of us is what is being promoted, and what comes to be nebulization for adult Mosco.” In addition to dengue cases, three probable cases of Zika have been reported.
The corresponding studies were already done and discarded, “he said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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