translated from Spanish: Have you seen…? The announcement no parent would want to see

In Guerrero, people are disappearing, especially girls.
Here, Amber alerts for boys and girls, and Alba, for women over the age of 18, are activated every 48 hours on average.  Men over the age of 18 who disappear do not enter this count. For them there are no search protocols.
The first time the Amber alert was launched in Guerrero was on January 23, 2017 for the disappearance of Santiago de la Cruz Ramírez, 17, from Acapulco, who has not yet appeared.
READ: The 4 changes that force the authorities to activate the Amber alert immediately in the CDMX
Of the 126 minors missing between January 2017 and May 2019, 86 girls and boys are still lost, only 40 have been recovered, which states that the Amber alert has an effectiveness of 30 percent, so it is clear from the official website of the attorney General’s office (FGE).
Most of the girls and boys lost according to the Times the Amber alert is activated are from Chilpancingo, 47, from Acapulco, 31, Zihuatanejo 8, equals 7, the rest has occurred in other municipalities, such as Tixtla, Chilapa and Tecpan.
Chilpancingo is a black hole for the girls. Acapulco is not left behind. Something happens in the capital that minors are lost in public places. From school to their homes vanish. Of busy streets like the Zapata, the main pedestrian walker of the city, evaporate.
It is true that several of the activated Amber alerts are cases of minors fleeing their homes because of problems with their parents such as Christian Yamil Molina Godinez, 13, for whom the protocol was activated on May 12, 2018 and returned 15 days later.
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According to Christian’s dad and Mom, the FGE did not carry out any research, it was never any ministerial police to ask any questions to them, their neighbors or teachers and classmates at their school. To date, the FGE has not disabled the alert because it does not know that the child returned to his home.
But there are cases of minors whose relatives have never heard from them again.
It is pointed out that the children who do not appear, for the most part, have been victims of trafficking, as the case of Karla de los Angeles Villalobos Gomez, 17, disappeared on April 30, 2017, in Acapulco. Karla’s mother knew that her daughter was a victim of a prostitution network in which they are inmiscuidos municipal police in the port, according to their complaint in the CDMX made to a medium.
Karla’s case was retaken by the coalition against the trafficking of women and Children in Latin America and the Caribbean (CATWLAC) which got Interpol to issue the red Alert, an international notice on people but it is not a warrant for arrest. This way Karla was recovered. The FGE has not disabled this alert either.
Other missing children have been victims of criminal organizations. Adrian Ayala Abarca, 17, is one of them. The minor disappeared in Acapulco on April 9, 2019. His dismembered corpse appeared days later in a black bag. The FGE also keeps the alert. The institution is silent when a missing person is killed on alert.
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Around 11 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, the Prosecutor’s office specializing in the issue of enforced disappearance and search for missing persons, from the state attorney General’s Office (FGE) activated the Amber alert for the disappearance of Danna Ofelia Ramos 16-year-old Gonzalez.
Gabriela González, Danna’s mother, she sought her from three in the afternoon, when she arrived from work and learned that she had not returned from the basketball class she attends from seven to nine in the morning, to high school number 9, of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (Uagro).
With the case of Danna, the Special Prosecutor’s Office activated for the thirtieth-ninth time the Amber alert as far as the 2019, protocol for the search for boys and girls.
With Danna, the Amber alert had been activated 106 times, according to historical records on the official page of the FGE, although these do not coincide with reports of the same dependency.
Gabriela Gonzalez was desperate since she began to dial Danna and her number was sent to mailbox. In the first four months of the year, 59 probable disappearances, of 39 minors and 20 women aged 18 and older, had already occurred, in which the Alba alert was activated.  
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Social networks disseminate information about a new missing person at all times and seldom report if they have been located. Gabriela appeared to Prepa 9 to see if Danna had gone to school in the evening shift, which is inscribed. He was at the door of the hall to see if he arrived. Talked with your daughter’s companions. The relatives of 15-year-old José Manuel Marcial Gómez, a student from the same morning shift school, who had not returned home that day, also arrived.
At nine o’clock in the evening, when classes were finished in Danna’s classroom, Gabriela went to the FGE to report the disappearance of her daughter. It was alert number 39 of the year. It was activated immediately, as the protocol marks. But it is not always so, not all people who are lost a family have a chance to be heard, especially if they arrive alone.
In Gabriela’s case it was different. Danna’s grandmother is a human rights activist. He asked for support from organizations. Immediately, the Centre for the rights of the victims of violence Minerva Bello accompanied the mother and grandmother.
The following day, the FGE also activated the alert number 40 of the year for the disappearance of José Manuel.
In Prepa 9, teachers and students considered that Danna and Jose Manuel were not missing, that they had fled together.
The Amber alert protocol, approved at the local Congress in 2015 but launched until January 2017, states that it will be activated without delay, “after evaluating the circumstances in question”, and that the immediate search will be prioritized in Areas where the missing person is most likely to be found.
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The immediate search for which the protocol speaks seems to be a subjective matter as the pre-assessment of the circumstances of each case. The first inquiries held by the Special Prosecutor’s Office in the case of Danna conducted them until Friday, May 3. On Thursday May 2, the family members and the organizations that accompanied them announced that they would make a march to demand the search, because on May 1 as it was a day of rest the specialized prosecutor did not perform any activity to find the minor. The mother, grandmother and other relatives upholstered the city’s downtown streets and around Prepa 9 with the announcement of the disappearance of Danna and asked people if they had seen her.
Gabriela placed a photograph on a post in the Walker Zapata when a municipal policeman accosted her for more information.
I realized that the prosecution does not send the alert to all the police, as it says. That cop asked me about Danna because I didn’t know anything. He said they weren’t aware and took a picture with his cell phone. Sent a message to a group of Whatsapp that have the cops to be pending.
On Thursday they were going to make the march but the special prosecutor told him they had location data on Danna’s cell phone and asked him to go to the offices. The march was suspended. The same thing happened Friday. On Saturday the new account was called in the afternoon to be in the prosecution, but his relatives no longer let her go and the march took place.
“They spoke to me not to March,” he accuses.
The prosecution did not hit anywhere on the alert for the disappearance of Danna, only diffused in the media, assure the relatives. All the photos in the public transport units, in the terminal and in the crowded places the mother, the father and the grandmother beat them.
On Saturday, after the march, in which other family members of disappeared and related organizations participated, they advised Gabriela that on Monday at two thirty in the afternoon the attorney General of the state, Jorge Zuriel de los Santos Barria, was going to receive it.
This story was made by the poppy team. Transgressor journalism.
Read the full story at:
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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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