translated from Spanish: Necessary to increase the interest and confidence of the citizens in the processes of election: Sergio Báez

Morelia, Michoacán. – Due to the low participation of the inhabitants of the states of Aguascalientes, Durango, Tlaxcala, Baja California, Puebla and Tamaulipas, during the intermediate elections that took place in these entities, the Deputy of the Congress of Michoacán, Sergio Báez Torres He expressed the need for political parties to do an awareness work, to increase the interest and confidence of Mexicans to participate in the process of popular choice.
The representative of the district XXI described as serious the participation of an average of 30 percent of Mexicans in these states, so he stressed that from Morena will work in front of a big challenge; As is democratic citizen participation, it is a civic obligation to go out and demonstrate politically as Mexicans.
However, he said that the trend in intermediate elections is that there are fewer voters exercising suffrage.
“Yesterday was a process that did not call attention, should be rethinking this work from political parties, from the state electoral institutes as well as from the media, to make more dissemination and invitation to the people involved, Everyone plays an important role. ”
The legislator Terracalentano, acknowledged that the elections in the six states have shown that the process has changed, not directly exist the intervention of the Federal government or through delegates or responsible for carrying out the operation Policy, to benefit the party that is in power, which he pointed out is a good sign.
“It is a very good sign to approach a democratic normality; In the future there will be no presence of party representatives in the boxes, but there will be certainty of the citizenship that things are going to be done well and will respect the decision of the people, Báez Torres added.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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