translated from Spanish: “The Supreme Court has interest, opinion and studies”: Haroldo Brito goes out in the footsteps of the government for reform to appointments

The President of the Supreme Court, Haroldo Brito, said Qu (e) The highest tribunal “has interest, opinion and studies” to contribute to the Government’s work in the field of reform of the system of appointment of judges and prosecutors.
Thus, Brito came to the passage of the sayings of the Minister of Justice, Hernán Larraín, who held to the third that “we have never received concern or interest to participate in these issues” by the Supreme Court. According to Brito, “I don’t think the right word is interest or lack of interest,” Recalling that “we have repeatedly urged the incorporation of selection criteria. We have gone beyond even the legal rules that are very minimal, and that has even been a discussion with the Association of Judges (…) We have regulated some things by way of self-agreed and is a demonstration that we are pending this situation.
Brito then received Minister Larraín who presented the ideas of the project for consideration of the plenary. According to the justice Holder, the preliminary draft will be drafted after these pre-legislative talks are completed with the various actors.
“We have officially received the idea, the central project that the government has to raise in a more time about the system of appointment of judges. Until now, what we knew was a report-which was an input for the executive-as a result of a working table in which scholars and the Association of Magistrates were invited, among others.  Today we understand-and clearly the minister said so-that there is an official position and it is necessary to develop the bill properly and that will have a deadline.  Of course I want to present the interest of the Supreme Court to participate in the pre-legislative stage, because we think it is the place where there is more room for conversation, “concluded Brito.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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