translated from Spanish: The head of the prosecutors denied “complicity” with Stornelli

The attorney general of the Nation, Eduardo Casal, went to Congress today to be interfighted by legislators for the case of prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, declared in absentia after missing the calls to the inquiry of Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla. Casal said today that u When you receive the conclusions about the summary initiated on the prosecutor, you will decide whether to “apply a penalty or ask for the removal”. 

Amid the criticism of the front for the victory for the lack of measures against Stornelli, who did not attend five calls to inquiry, Casal rejected accusations of “complicity” with the prosecutor and “parsimony” in the process. It is the first case that we have, I do not remember a case like this, in the sense that it is necessary to resolve a deposition, ultimately, of a prosecutor who does not submit to testify and who invokes reasons of immunity, “Casal stressed. 

Before the deputies and senators, the Procurator underlined: “The formation of an administrative summary was ordered. When the conclusions are, it is up to the attorney general to close the case, apply a penalty or ask for the removal. ” By way of regulation, these disciplinary actions are of a reserved nature, I cannot give many references of what they contain, much less to issue opinions, “said

Original source in Spanish


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