translated from Spanish: Hospital de Pacheco: young man denounced that doctor sexually abused her

A 24-year-old woman reported being sexually abused by a traumatologist doctor at the Pacheco Hospital on 25 May. The victim unveiled the case through his Facebook after discovering that, after formally reporting it, he continued to work at the health center.

Named Natalia, the woman went to the Hospital Magdalena V. Martínez after falling off the bicycle and suffered injuries in the ribs, a doll and a little finger. There he was served by a traumatologist doctor who sent her to make some X-ray plates. Once the results were obtained, he returned to the office to meet a second doctor for the change of guard and who, after assisting him, asked him to return on May 25. That day, he met the defendant, Jonathan D’Alessandro. “We passed a veneer door and walked into the clinics around the back. I checked and until that time the deal was normal, after seeing the places beaten and check me normally, I consulted by a specialist on knees. He told Me he was a knee specialist, “he wrote in his discharges on the social network.

“He asked me to pull up my pants, but I couldn’t because they’re tight-fitting shims. He told Me if I could bajármela and said yes, because everything seemed normal, “he added in dialogue with TN.” He asked Me if I had any problems with the sciatic nerve and I said yes. He told me to turn upside down because according to him, the sciatic ‘ affected ‘ my menisci and wanted to check me out. I massaged the sciatic nerve, touched the tendons of the groin and without a word with me touched and introduced his fingers in my vagina. The control lasted 1 hour and a half which never stopped touching me, “he said. The horror was suspended by a call on the part of the administration announcing the presence of other patients to attend. ” The allegations have already been made, the Gender Directorate is notified and the Tigre prosecutor’s office also. They contained Me a lot but this HDP doesn’t have to work anymore in his life, “he concluded. For his part, the Assistant Secretary of health care of Buenos Aires, Leonardo Busso, said that the hospital was only notified by the publication on the social networks and arranged to give license to the denounced professional. ” He made sure that the doctor was not in contact with the patients until there was a definition of justice. ”

Original source in Spanish


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