translated from Spanish: “It has nothing to do with food”: clarified Luciana Salazar after his fainting

The images that Showmatch happened yesterday Thursday, impacted many. Luciana Salazar suffered a fainting. After finishing his choreography of Latin pop, the participant began to feel cold and had to be attended by the reality physician, Vicente Carbonio.

Although what happened was seen on the screen of the thirteenth on Thursday, June 6th at night, everything happened on Tuesday, as the program was recorded. Fortunately, Luciana is already well in health but must face Leticia Brédice in the phone vote. ” I think it was a mixture of fatigue and also a bit of the cervical, a bad move I made. I got dizzy, I was so cold. For me it was like an accumulation of situations. Fortunately after I recovered and I’m trying to rest a little longer, “said Luciana in dialogue with” us in the morning. ”

Luciana Salazar | Photo: Twitter @lulipop07

The model argued that he was sleeping four hours a day, for his duties as well as his work as a mother (Matilda’s). “It was two days in a row of recording and me every time I finish Showmatch I stay with an energy and I can not sleep until 4 am. There’s no way. With my daughter I get up at 7 am. After afternoon work, then I can not sleep nap, “mentioned the also conductive. On the other hand, Luciana was responsible for clarifying that the blackout had nothing to do with her diet. The model argued that in its close circle are amazed by everything that eats and still not fattening.

“None of that has to do with food. It was obvious that they were going to speculate on that side but not. If they see the people around me they charge me so like, because they can’t believe I eat so much and not fatten. If you see me since I started dancing in 2006, the texture of my body is exactly the same, “he said. Luciana said the reason for her decompensation was due to cervical malbalances and her few hours of sleep. “The production offered me to go to do kinesiology at Norberto Furman Institute, but the truth is that I do not have much time: I have so many responsibilities (two jobs) and I do not want to miss any,” he said. If Luciana is not eliminated, she will dance the Salsa de Tres with Diego Ramos.

Original source in Spanish


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