translated from Spanish: AMLO Presumer photo with his young friend Ricardo de Los Mochis

Sinaloa.-In his visit to Los Mochis, President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador shared a photo with a friend of him, who since his campaign met in Sinaloa, and this Sunday he found it and gave much just to greet a young man named Ricardo, who attended the event to L to be the beneficiary of the welfare programs. The President of the Republic did not stop hugging Ricardo, if he perfectly remembers in his days of intense campaign in 2018, when he traveled the municipalities of the country and managed to become a friend, who was always very Pending what he was doing and said AMLO.

This time was no exception, because AMLO shared a secret of both and social networks wrote the following message to the side of the photo: “I met Ricardo in the campaign, in Los Mochis, Sinaloa. Now that I came back, he helped me with the speech. He was happy, like me and many. ” Indeed, the young man helped the President of Mexico in his speech and very excited was shown to help Ricardo and was already incorporated into the social programs that drives his government.

I met Ricardo in the campaign, in Los Mochis, Sinaloa. Now that I came back, he helped me with the speech. He was happy, like me and many. — Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_)
June 10, 2019

During his visit to Los Mochis, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador gave welfare programs to the municipal head of Ahome. He announced that the pensions were doubled to two 1550 pesos to benefit 215,000 seniors, just in Sinaloa. With great satisfaction the president made known that children with disabilities received pensions the same amount as adults Greater. People with social security or ISSSTE will also benefit. In upper secondary education, the president announced that about 87168 students would receive a scholarship of 1600 pesos bimonthly. While in the upper level eight 1204 young people who attend the university will receive a scholarship of two 1400 pesos to “complete their carrera”Para The program of young people contracting the future will receive a monthly salary of three 1600 pesos , in order to learn a craft by working as apprentices.

Original source in Spanish


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