translated from Spanish: For Pichetto, Kirchnerism put “a communist” in Buenos Aires

After the meeting of Miguel Angel Pichetto with the political table of the national government, composed largely of Peronists, the new candidate for vice president left a series of definitions about the presidential election.  

Although he made his entire career in Rio Negro, Pichetto was born in Banfield, south of the Conurban of Bonaerense; for this reason he did not cease to have an opinion on the candidate of Kirchnerism in the province of Buenos Aires: Axel Kicillof. 
“Peronism in the province of Buenos Aires leads to a man from the Communist Party,” the senator said. 

In his last defiations, even in the last four years, Kicillof was the biggest target of the vice-candidate’s criticism: he defined the trap as an almost Soviet instrument and blamed it for the economic stagnation of the end of Cristina Kirchner’s rule.  
On the same subject, Pichetto defined it as “one of the great distortions” and made an order for the Pernism of Bonaerense, who apparently already accepted Kicillof as a candidate: “Peronism’s companions have to reflect on that.” Finally, promising one of the things for which he was summoned to the formula that will compete in August and October, the rhino advanced that “there will be a lot of Peronism behind President Mauricio Macri”

Original source in Spanish


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