translated from Spanish: Impose restraining order on Exallegado to Britney Spears

Los Angeles, California.-A judge has banned by a five-year restraining order to the former manager of Britney Spears communicate with the singer or her family or make derogatory statements of them on social networks. LOS Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny announced Thursday the decision after hearing the testimony of the 44-year-old deputy administrator Sam Lutfi, and Spears ‘ father, James Spears, who has controlled his daughter’s money and affairs through a custody of 1 1-year court-arranged. 

Penny rejected the arguments of Lutfi’s lawyer, Marc Gans, that the restraining order is unconstitutional because it damages his client’s free expression. The judge described Lutfi’s testimony as evasive and extended the temporary restraining order she had imposed on May 8. Gans said outside the court that he considers filing an appeal. James Spears declined to make statements to the press. 

James Spears recognized Gans’s question that he does not have a smooth relationship with Britney Spears. “The relationship between me and my daughter has always been tense,” said James Spears.
However, in another testimony that Penny considered sincere and credible, James Spears testified that Lutfi was a predator “against his family for more than a decade and that he resumed his harassment on a recent date. Lutfi was very close to the artist in 2007 and 2008 and was also his manager for a brief period. “I was worried he was trying to lay down custody,” said Spears from the podium. I was very upset. I was worried that we were going back to the same situation as 2008. ” Spears and her lawyers hinted, and Penny seemed to accept, that Lutfi has tried to incite fans on social networks with the hastag (hash) Free Britney to criticize the control that James Spears and the court have had about the pop star in the last 11 years .

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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